Pollen: Fine to coarse powder which produce male gametes of seed plants.

Dicot plant with flower and leaf: Is a name for a group of flowering plants whose seed has two embryonic leaves or cotyledons; they also have veins. This leaf has major leaf veins.

Protein-fibrous: Is
insoluble and strong that plays a structural role in organisms for support or protection. The keratin in the hair is a fibrous protein.

Niche: Is a place for where a thing is best fitted. The nest is necessary for existence

Pine cone-female: Produces the ovule and forms at the top of the tree compared to the male cone.

Keratin: Is a very strong protein which is a major component in the skin,
hair, nails etc. In the dogs paws, skin the protein is present.
Amylase: It breaks down starch into sugar. Human saliva where it begins the the process of digestion.

Amniotic egg: The type of egg produced by reptiles, birds and egg laying mammals
in which the embryo develops inside an amnion. 
lipid used for energy storage: Lipids are natural organic molecules which includes fats, waxes and sterols. Chicken contains fats and oils

Protein-globular: Are highly soluble and play a dynamic role in body metabolism. This protein is abundant in animal cells and milk which is shown in this picture.
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