Insect: arthropods having a hard exoskeleton, a three-part, three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae.
This picture is an exact picture of an insect.

Mutualism: s a biological interaction between two organisms, where each individual derives a fitness benefit.
This picture of dirt is to show where worms live and also where they work to help maintain good soil, allowing for water to flow easily through it. In this similar way, the dirt also carries leaves and organic matter that the worms need for their digestion. The soil and worms produce a sense of mutualism.

Modified leaf of a plant: When a leaf is performing some functions other than what it needs to have some structural changes in itself.
This picture shows that these leaves` genes where tempered with or modified to not just grow green leaves but also green leaves that look like swiss cheese.

Cuticle layer of a plant: A thin waxy, protective layer covering the surface of the leaves and stems of plants.
This picture of these plants shows the surface of them, which contains a thin, waxy protective layer that protects it, also known as the cuticle layer of a plant.

Gibberellin: are plant hormones that regulate growth and influence various developmental processes, including stem elongation, etc.
This picture shows how the plant’s hormones where what controlled how big this plant could grow.

Genetically modified organism: is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

Adaptation of an animal: a part of an animal's body or way that an animal behaves that helps it survive.
This picture of my cat coming out of her litter represents how cats have now adapted to indoor house environments, which includes learning to use the cat litter box.

Fruit fleshy with seed: This is exactly a fruit fleshy with seed.

Eucaryote: any organism having as its fundamental structural unit a cell type that contains specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, a membrane-bound nucleus enclosing genetic material organized into chromosomes, ect.
This picture of my cat represents this term because she is an organism that carries cells with a nucleus.

Eubacteria: spherical or rod-shaped bacteria of the order Eubacteriales, characterized by simple, undifferentiated cells with rigid walls; true bacteria.
These rod-shaped like pill looks like the outer structure or form of a eubacteria.
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