1. Deciduous Leaves.
Deciduous means falling off at maturity or tending to fall off & is typically used in reference to trees or shrubs that lose their leaves seasonally and the shedding of other plant structures such as petals after flowering or fruit when ripe. In short deciduous means the dropping of a part that is no longer needed, as these leaves shown here were.
The female cone contains ovules within which, when fertilized by pollen (which is produced by the male cones), become seeds. Lack of pollination, genetic defects or other mishaps may result in sterile, or no, seeds. The female pine cone is very different from the male because it forms at the top of the tree and is much larger in size than the male cone.
The ovary of a flower is the part of the carpel that holds the ovules of a plant and is the female reproductive organ. The ovary of this flower is located in the center where the yellow part of it is visible.
A woody stem is a stem that is hard textured and has a secondary xylem. Generally a plant with a woody stem has been growing for two years and has an enlarged stem to accommodate greater circulation. These tree trunks are woody stems because of their texture and the age of the trees.
5. Conifer Leaves
Conifer leaves are small, narrow, and have a thick surface, to limit transpiration, or water loss. These pine tree leaves are considered to be conifer leaves. Leaves of evergreen trees are also conifer leaves. Other characteristics of conifer leaves is that they can survive weather changes, as well as extreme weather unlike the decidious leaves of regular trees & plants.
The cuticle layer of a plant is a non-cellular protective layer that protects the epidermis of the green parts of leaves. It also provides support for the plants much like human skin does. The coating of the leaf in this picture, which makes it shine, is the cuticle layer of the plant.
An angiosperm is a flowering plant that reproduces through the transfer of pollen. This plant is an angiosperm because it has flowers.
An autotroph is an organism that takes energy from the environment in the form of sunlight or inorganic chemicals and uses it to create molecules such as carbohydrates. This makes them primary producers. This plant is an autotroph because it takes energy from sunlight through photosynthesis and produces carbohydrates.
An endotherm is an organism that is warm-blooded, and therefore maintains a roughly constant body heat regardless of outside temperature. Most endotherms control body heat by regulating their metabolic rates. This dog is a mammal, and is therefore an endotherm.
The Vascular Tissue of a Plant consists of xylem and phloem. These two types of vessels run side-by-side, extending from roots to leaves. They provide channels for the transport of water and nutrients. This plant contains herbaceous stems which have vascular tissue.
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